A Message To Our Families

Grace Gardens Funeral Chapel Ltd. has made the decision to stop participating in all public events, including funerals, until further information becomes available. We are taking this action as it is necessary to keep our communities and our staff safe.

Recognizing the events/funerals we are trusted to organize almost exclusively include the vulnerable population. We have made the difficult decision to introduce a policy that only allows for private family events that fall within the recommendations laid out by our government.

Just to clarify, Grace Gardens is not closed. We are committed now, more than ever to supporting and helping families experiencing loss. We want to reassure our communities that we are making decisions out of a place of genuine care.

This is a decision that we have spent a lot of time on and we are confident that we are going to be able to continue to care for and serve families to a high level in the midst of unprecedented times.

If you, or someone you love, is walking through loss and grief and need somewhere safe to call, please remember that you can always reach out to us.

With love,
Your Grace Gardens Family